Home fire property loss claim: first steps

Expert Public Adjuster Advice by Ken Ursaki

After experiencing a property loss from a home fire, the recovery process can be long and stressful. We know that all you want is to get back to your normal life with your family, so we have outlined some of the first steps you should keep in mind during this situation. Our team of home fire claim experts is ready to guide and advise you with your home fire property loss and help you recover as much as possible. When you need home fire insurance claim advice, we recommend not only following these steps but also having a personal conversation with one of our team’s insurance claim experts that will allow us to best help with your unique situation.

Request a certified copy of your insurance policy.

Any time you experience property damage or loss, your first step should be to request a certified copy of your insurance policy. It can take up to two weeks to receive this document, so you must ask for it as early as possible. The policy dictates how the claim is adjusted and ultimately how the claim is settled. You can view online or a get a hand out copy from your agent, however this is not always a comprehensive policy. Rather than relying on the online version, you should always use the certified copy of this document. This way, you will have more details at your disposal and be able to recover as much of your loss as possible.

Save all receipts for expenses from your displacement.

When you go through a home fire property loss, you will likely experience countless new expenses because of the situation. Your insurance policy includes a section for “Additional Living Expenses” (ALE), or Loss of Use, so if you keep track of your displacement expenses, then you may get reimbursed for them as part of your recovery assistance.

Whether you are paying for extra food, lodging, gas, clothing, toiletries, or anything else that you need because of your unusual situation, this can all be included in the ALE category and therefore be reimbursed by your insurance company. Some insurance plans even include bookkeeping items needed for expense tracking in this category, including printers, computers, and office supplies. Throughout this process, always be sure to keep your receipts and stay organized so that you can receive the most optimal compensation for your losses.

Review the “Duties After Loss” section of your insurance policy.

One of the most important sections of your insurance policy is labeled “Your Duties After Loss”. This section describes everything you are required to do following a loss, and often, there are more steps and requirements listed here than your insurance company may have explained. If you want to receive the highest possible reimbursement from your insurance company, then you must follow the instructions spelled out in this section rather than just taking others’ advice. If you ever have any questions about this, then feel free to reach out to home fire claim experts Kyle, Brian, Eric or Ken, who are experienced with examining the “Duties After Loss” section and helping you recover more quickly.

Provide “Proof of Loss”

Another key section in Your Duties After Loss of your insurance policy is “Proof of Loss” or “Sworn Statement of Loss.” The Proof of Loss form is an official, notarized, sworn statement from the insured to the insurance company regarding the amount of loss. The policy will state you have to complete this form within 30 or 60 days after the Date of Loss or in some cases 60 days after the insurance company makes the request for a Proof of Loss. Always fill out the Proof of Loss form very carefully, as this is a critical document in the claim process.

The Proof of Loss form is a legal contract, so you should only discuss it with or take advice from home fire insurance claim experts who have significant experience in the industry.

Do not clear your property.

Just saying that you have experienced property loss is not enough for insurance companies to give you compensation; you must provide clear documentation of your situation to receive what you deserve. Before you remove your damaged property, you should make sure that you document everything with photos so that it is clear exactly what was or was not lost during the home fire. Importantly, the policy will state “you must display the damaged property as often as we reasonably request”.

Create a separate bank account.

A great way to keep your transactions organized while recovering from a home fire property loss is to create a separate bank account for insurance-related transactions. Any time you receive a deposit from your insurance company, you can add it to this account before transferring it to your main bank accounts. Only insurance deposits should be put into this account. This way, you can easily keep track of how much money you have received so far and what you have done with it. We suggest that you name this account something like “Fire Claim Account” so that you can keep it separate from all other accounts that you use more frequently.

Read and organize the certified copy of your insurance policy.

Once you have received the certified copy of your insurance policy, you must read it completely and have a thorough understanding of everything it entails. This is not something that you can skim through and still understand, so make sure that you read everything carefully. 

As you review your official insurance policy, we recommend that you bookmark key areas of coverage. This will ensure that you understand exactly what possibilities and limitations you are bound to, and it will also help keep you organized. This way, you will not need to search through the full document every time you need to reference these important details. Then, you can sort these key areas of coverage into the same categories that your insurance company will use when allocating the money they pay you. As home fire claim expert, Ken Ursaki says, you should always “Make the loss fit your policy” so that you receive the best possible compensation from your insurance company.

The following groupings represent how homeowner’s insurance is categorized and list additional areas of coverage you may be able to exploit:

  • Coverage A Dwelling
  • Coverage B Other Structures
  • Coverage C Personal Property
  • Coverage D Alternative Living Expenses or Loss of Use
  • Additional Coverages
    1. Debris Removal
    2. Code and Ordinance
    3. Landscape
    4. Etc.

Document your property, structures, and possessions.

Out of all these different steps you should consider when facing a home fire property loss, the documentation process will likely take the longest, as it is also the most important part of your claim. It may take months to document everything correctly and provide a complete representation of your situation, so rather than rushing through the process, you should take the time to be as detailed as possible. You will know that you have done enough when you exceed the coverage limit in your policy – so until then, you should follow these steps and document your home, structures, and possessions:

Step 1: First, you should draw a full floor plan of your home that will document your different rooms. Label each room and assign a number to it. For example, you may write, “1-Kitchen,” “2-Living Room,” “3-Main Floor Bathroom,” “4-Laundry Room,” etc. You can create this floor plan from memory, or you can reference an official floor plan of your home if you have one.

Step 2: Once you have completed this basic floor plan, then you can map out your entire property. This includes other structures on your property, as well as valuable items in the different rooms and structures. This organization will give you a good idea of what you have lost or what has been preserved, depending on the extent of your home fire and related property loss.

Step 3: Then, you should collect any photos you have of your home and possessions before the loss occurred. Photos or any other documentation of both the inside and outside of your home, as well as valuable possessions, will be helpful. Not only will this serve as a form of proof to the insurance company that you owned these items, but it will also help you remember and organize what was lost.

Step 4: The next step is to create a detailed spreadsheet of any possessions that you can think of. While all possessions can be included, you should pay more attention to those that are greater than $250 in value. Home fire claim experts at MHA can provide you a template for this spreadsheet, or you can create your own if that will help you stay more organized. Using your floor plans created in Step 1 and Step 2 as a reference, you should document everything that you lost on the spreadsheet. We recommend going room by room, wall by wall, and drawer by drawer to make sure that you do not miss anything.

This can be a long and difficult process, so you may want to divide it into smaller tasks that are more feasible. Each night, you can focus on just one wall of your property and record everything that you remember being there. If you have receipts, order history documents, or links to the items online, then you should include these as well. Being detailed and diligent throughout this step is one of the best ways to ensure that you receive as much compensation as possible from your insurance company.

Step 5: Finally, you should document the details of your home and structures. Whether you do this on your spreadsheet or with a separate list, you will need to record details about your home and all structures that were lost. Include the rooms’ sizes, information about the flooring, windows, and doors, and details regarding the lighting, insulation, and electrical structures. Everything that you can think of should be in this report so that it becomes a written replica of your home. If you are having difficulties with this, then we suggest referencing aerial Google Maps photos, assessors’ cards, and appraisal reports. When your insurance company reviews the completed documentation of losses, they will be able to do a more complete assessment of the value, which should help you receive valid compensation for what you have lost.

We understand that managing the compensation process after experiencing a home fire loss can be difficult and stressful, so we are happy to assist any time you need home fire claim expert advice. Our team of experienced professionals has helped hundreds of happy clients receive optimal compensation in the past, and we hope to help you reach your potential during this process as well. If you follow the above steps and give us a call to set up a introductory consultation, then you are sure to lead with your best foot.